How Technology Helps In The Education Of Special-Needs Students

Special-needs students who have, in the past, faced particular learning challenges in the classroom have benefited from the introduction of technology. Whereas once these students who were unable to receive the specialized instruction they needed in order to excel performed poorly and suffered from low motivation and confidence, they now find themselves on an equal playing field with the remainder of the class—in fact, technology has served to empower special-needs students and enable them to excel not just in the classroom but also in the community.

To learn more, check out the infographic created by the University of Cincinnati’s online Master of Education degree program.

How Technology Helps In The Education Of Special-Needs Students

About Alex Shaikh

My name is Alex, and I am the author of the CrunchyChip website. For more than 15 years, I've been writing for blogs on a variety of topics, including technology. Thank you for reading this blog post. Please comment!

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